How to Fix Rounded Shoulders? – 5 Exercises for Rounded Shoulders

how to fix rounded shoulders

Rounded shoulders are often used in clinics and medical offices, yet they do not actually represent a medical condition. It is just a popular term that may also be referred to as the mom posture. The resting shoulder position involves the shoulders moving slightly forward from the perfect alignment of your body. This position is part of the general bad posture issue. Just like any other small issue, it can be corrected without too much hassle.

On the other hand, since it is easy to overcome, the issue is often overlooked by sufferers. You do not necessarily need medical treatment for it, just like you do not need drugs either. But then, if left untreated, rounded shoulders can aggravate and get worse. All in all, here is how to fix rounded shoulders at home – it takes consistency, dedication, and attention to small details. Other than that, you need to perform various exercises on a regular basis.

How to fix rounded shoulders

1. Doorway chest stretch

To complete this exercise, you only require a doorway – find one in your own home and get to work. The respective exercise is easy to perform and opens the chest up. Meanwhile, shoulders are slightly stretched for a more comfortable feeling. You can do this exercise about three times a day – not more than three sets, so you will barely require a few minutes.

  • Get in front of the doorway and allow a couple of feet in front.
  • Your elbows should slightly bend to 90 degrees.
  • Meanwhile, raise the arms.
  • The upper arms should be parallel to the ground or the ceiling.
  • Each forearm goes against a side of the doorway.
  • Do not move your back yet, but simply come close until you reach the doorway.

Once you touch it, you can step slightly forward. One foot should go on the other side of the doorway. The weight will be gradually shifted onto the foot in the front. You will feel a stretch in the chest. Hold the position for about half a minute. It makes no difference which foot you use to go forward, as the exercise targets the upper body.

Doorway chest stretch

2. ITY prone

Learning how to fix rounded shoulders is fairly simple if you follow a few simple rules and dedicate yourself to performing exercises correctly. This ITY prone refers to various positions your body goes to – I, T and Y. At the same time, its main role is to enhance the stabilizing muscles around the back and shoulders.

  • Lie on your belly and let your forehead and nose touch the ground.
  • The arms should be kept straight above the head.
  • Your hands can be kept in a thumbs up position.
  • From this position, raise the arms as much as you can, maintain the position and return in a slow movement.
  • Move the arms into a simple Y position and perform the same exercise.
  • Do the same for the T letter position and repeat.
  • Keep the arms in the air for a couple of seconds only.
  • Perform two sets and stick to 10 repetitions only.

As for the frequency of this exercise, do it twice a day. Ideally, you should do it in the morning first, as it gets your back ready for the rest of the day. A few exercises will prepare you for later.

3. Scapular wall slides

This exercise works on the scapula. Its primary role is to restore its initial alignment, but it requires lots of exercises on a regular basis. At the same time, it boosts the shoulder muscles by providing them with extra flexibility. The exercise affects the shoulder blades too. When done regularly, it keeps them back, so it can help when learning how to fix rounded shoulders.

  • Find a wall and stand against it with the back touching it.
  • Arms should be hanging by your sides.
  • Your head, glutes, and upper back should touch the wall.
  • As for the feet, they should be an inch or two away from it.
  • Arms must go overhead and well pressed against the wall. Your knuckles will touch it. Bend your elbows to 90 degrees, but without removing them from the wall.

This is how you begin.

  • Slide the arms up on the wall.
  • Try to get as high as you can while keeping everything else stuck to the wall.
  • Once you reach the maximum position, wait for a few seconds.
  • Lower the arms slowly to reach the starting position.

Control every part of the movement. Perform this exercise twice a day – a couple of sets with 10 repetitions each.

4. Lateral neck stretch

This is a common stretch you can perform anywhere. You can do it at home or perhaps your office, while on the break. Got a moment to waste a bit of time? Go for it. This stretch will work on a few different muscles. Most importantly, it will target the trapezius. Then, it also works on the scalene muscles. All these muscles are extremely important in maintaining a good and healthy posture.

  • Get a chair or simply stand.
  • Your shoulders should be kept back, but also down.
  • Use the left arm to pull the right ear – the arm goes above the head.
  • Pull towards the right shoulder, and you will feel a stretch in the left side of the neck.
  • You may think you could do this stretch without using your arm, but it is useless – you need the extra pressure from your arm.

Perform the same exercise, but on the other side. Once you reach the maximum stretching position – there should be no discomfort involved, you should hold the position for about half a minute. Get a few sets of up to five repetitions for each side. Since you can do this exercise everywhere, you can work on the respective muscles a few times a day.

Lateral neck stretch

5. Reverse shoulder stretch

The reverse shoulder stretch is yet another simple and efficient exercise that will give your shoulders a good stretch. At the same time, it opens the chest and stretches it a bit too, adding more flexibility to the upper part of your body. It does require a bit of flexibility in the first place anyway – make sure you go as far as you can without feeling any discomfort at all.

  • Stand up and look ahead.
  • Your feet should be under your shoulders.
  • Keep your arms hanging by the sides.
  • Clasp the hands together behind your back.
  • The thumbs should point to the ground.
  • As you stand, move the hands back and up.
  • Your chest will inevitably open up.
  • You should feel some pressure in the biceps muscles (above the inside part of your elbows) and the shoulders.
  • Once you reach the desired position, hold it for around half a minute.

Return slowly to the starting position and repeat. You need a couple of sets – each of them with about 10 repetitions. Perform the exercise a few times a day. You can do it at the same time with others or individually, whenever you find a few minutes.


Bottom line, learning how to fix rounded shoulders at home is not as hard as it may seem. Performing all the exercises in one go should not take more than 15 or 20 minutes – even with small breaks. You can also perform one exercise every few hours – consistency is key.

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