How to Fix Lumbar Hyperlordosis – Top 5 Exercises to Try at Home

how to fix lumbar hyperlordosis

A slight curvature of the spine is actually healthy and considered a good posture. But when this curvature is excessive, it may cause a series of conditions. Sometimes referred to as the swayback, the excessive curvature of the lower part of the spine is medically known a hyperlordosis. The lumbar part does, indeed, require a bit of a curvature, but not a bad one. When curved out too much, the back will experience various painful sensations. Besides, a protruding stomach is part of the signs too.

Learning how to fix lumbar hyperlordosis implies knowing what the right posture should be. As for causes, they can vary too – posture problems or perhaps general weaknesses. You can correct such problems through regular exercises that cover the hips, thighs and back. Severe cases obviously require medical attention, but mild cases can be handled with a few exercises to tackle the overall alignment of your spine.

How to fix lumbar hyperlordosis

1. Getting the right posture

Find out what a healthy posture feels like in order to maintain it throughout your exercises. The procedure is fairly simple – sit on a chair and keep the back straight. Your buttocks should be touching the back of the chair. The feet must be flat on the ground too. Push the chest forward and the shoulder back – go far, but without feeling uncomfortable. As you are stretched, start relaxing slightly until the spine feels alright.

Your shoulder blades should be touching the back of the chair. At this point, you should try to fit your hand between the chair and the lower back – there should be just enough room in there. This exercise helps you identify the right posture. Repeat it every now and then to remember yourself of it – especially if you work in a chair.


2. Back kneeling stretches

It is imperative to know how to stretch the lower back in order to learn how to fix lumbar hyperlordosis. You need to both stretch and relax your muscles.

  • Start by kneeling on the floor in a symmetrical position – your hands must be shoulder width apart.
  • Lean slightly forward and your back will naturally round. The tail bone will go slightly towards the floor.
  • Maintain this position for about five seconds before slowly going backwards. Aim to push your tail bone as close to the heels as you can.
  • Do not move your hands – keep them on the floor. The head should relax down.
  • Maintain the pose for another five seconds and repeat.
  • You can safely perform ten repetitions a few times a day.
childs pose

3. Knee and chest stretches

While not necessarily related to this issue, your hamstrings and thighs are just as important when trying to correct this problem. In other words, you need to focus on these muscles for extra support for your posture.

  • Begin this stretch on the ground. Lie flat and keep your legs extended.
  • Lift the left leg and grab the outside of the knee with your hands.
  • Pull it as close as you can to the chest. You will feel a stretch in the buttock, but also in the lumbar area of your back. You can hold this pose for about 10 seconds.
  • Put it back and repeat the exercise with your right leg.
  • Put the right leg back and perform the exercise with both legs simultaneously.

Practically, there are three different exercises in one. You need 10 repetitions and about three sets a day.

Knee and chest stretch

4. Pelvic tilt strengthening

Support for the spine implies strengthening the muscles around it. From this point of view, you can always work on your trunk muscles – as well as the glutes – for a good final result.

  • Lie on the floor and keep the feet on the ground – hip width apart.
  • Adopt a relaxing position.
  • Attempt tilting the pelvis up – away from the floor. You will have to tighten the glutes and the abdomen.
  • Make sure that the spine is still touching the ground.
  • Once you reach the right position, maintain it for about 10 seconds.
  • You can repeat the exercise 10 times – do it a few times a day.
Pelvic tilt strengthening

5. Plank

The plank is a classic exercise – you do not necessarily need to suffer from hyperlordosis to benefit from this exercise. It strengthens the whole torso and helps balancing the trunk in a more effective manner. The exercise is just as handy for those with spine related problems.

  • Start this exercise on the ground.
  • Lie flat on the stomach.
  • Lift the body on the forearms.
  • Elbows must go under the shoulders.
  • As you lift the hips, your abdomen will inevitably tighten.
  • The point is to obtain a perfectly straight position.
  • The pelvis is likely to sag and go down – lift it up then.

The plank should be held for 30 seconds. Perform it five times a day. Increase the duration of the exercise and aim for a minute or even more. If you can hold the position for more after your first attempt, start there and work your way up. While the exercise may seem easy, holding the position will make you realize how long a minute actually is.



Bottom line, learning how to fix lumbar hyperlordosis is not that difficult if you follow some simple steps. There are plenty of exercises out there and they all imply attention. You need to learn what a healthy posture feels like and aim for it throughout the day too.

When it comes to exercises or stretches, it is critical to start slowly. Overdoing it can cause injuries and discomfort. Start in a comfortable manner. Stick to a few repetitions only – as much as you can without feeling any pain. With time, you will manage to work your way up.

There are situations when the hyperlordosis is not necessarily related to posture. For example, if you find it difficult to straighten the spine or the lumbar area feels stiff and frozen, you might have to consult a specialist doctor. This is not the type of hyperlordosis you can treat at home, so seek help from a professional.

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