Category: Lower back
Do you encounter problems while bending, walking, dancing, and sitting? Are you having difficulties in moving smoothly? It indicates that you have Iliacus Dysfunction. Several men and women have …
It is the dream of every woman to become a mom of a baby. In fact, pregnancy is bliss for a woman’s life. However, during pregnancy, women go through …
The spine is a complex body structure made up of bones, ligaments, facets, and intervertebral discs. It serves essential bodily functions such as support, enabling movement, and giving the …
Lower back pain is an ailment suffered by a lot of people at some point in life. Lower back pain right side above buttocks is commonly caused by damage …
The lower back consists of a very complex system that has spinal discs, vertebra, ligaments, and tendons to hold together the muscles. It is also located near some of …
A pinched nerve in lower back is difficult to diagnose alone. Instead, you need a specialist doctor to investigate the source of the pain and figure out what caused …
Do you experience sharp pain around your buttocks, groin area, or thighs? Well, that could be a condition known as Lumbar Facet Joint Pain. The condition, although not life-threatening, …
The anterior pelvic tilt is a posture condition where the person shows a more-than-usual pelvic curve. The person’s abdomen may also look bigger and unproportioned to their body weight. …
The tailbone pain is quite common these days. Often associated with pregnant women, it can affect men too and may have various causes. It is medically known as coccydynia, …
A slight curvature of the spine is actually healthy and considered a good posture. But when this curvature is excessive, it may cause a series of conditions. Sometimes referred …