Do you encounter problems while bending, walking, dancing, and sitting? Are you having difficulties in moving smoothly? It indicates that you have Iliacus Dysfunction. Several men and women have reported Iliacus muscle pain interfering with everyday activities.
Pain is the most common symptom of Iliacus Dysfunction. Due to Iliacus muscle pain, you will feel discomfort in your-
- Groin
- Lower abdomen
- Hip joint
- Buttocks
- Sacroiliac joint
- Lower backside
- The top part of your hip bone
In most cases, patients feel numbness, tingling sensation, and aching in these body parts. One of the major signs of Iliopsoas syndrome is Iliacus Dysfunction.
Iliacus muscles and their anatomy
There is a complicated muscle system in your hip, and it comprises Iliacus muscles. The triangle-shaped, flat muscle adjusts to the curved surface of your pelvic bone, known as the ilium. Your iliac crest has a connection to the Iliacus muscle. You can find the interaction of Iliacus muscles with your abdominal muscles. The Iliacus muscle reaches up to the tailbone and passes through your pelvis.
The Iliacus muscle plays some important roles-
- Rotate the femur (thigh bone)
- Help to keep up the correct body posture
- Strengthen hip flexor
- Enable you to bend the trunk forward
- Manage your side-bending
Why do you feel Iliacus muscle pain?
The major issue with the Iliacus muscle is that it may get shortened over time. Due to your prolonged driving and stretching, you may have this problem. Those who do not do regular stretching also face the issue. Several athletes have muscle shortness problems because they do not stretch regularly enough. Moreover, as their Iliacus muscles are strong, they cannot be stretched easily.
Strong and resilient muscles are good. However, denser and shorter muscles may cause adverse effects. Prolonged sitting prevents Iliacus from adapting to the desired length.
Know the common factors triggering pain in your Iliacus muscles.
1. Overuse of Iliacus muscles
Athletes engaged in sports activities, which need kicking and sprinting, may feel pain in their Iliacus muscles. Their hip flexors repetitively pull their legs forward. That is why their Iliacus muscles cannot relax easily. They may have tendonitis for the overuse of these muscles. Tendonitis is a condition caused by the inflammation of the tendon.
2. Injury and strain
During your everyday activities and different sports activities, you may have an acute injury. For instance, when you kick something with a high force and overstretch your muscles, you may have this injury. You feel strains due to the partial damage of muscle fibers.
3. No flexibility
Have you counted how long you sit on your chair for your office work? Your hips remain in a flexed position when you are on your chair. Though you cannot actively engage hips flexors, they help in stabilizing your pelvis.
As you are in the flexed position every day for several hours, it will shorten the iliacus. It will result in a lack of stretching.
These are some common factors causing muscle spasms. Due to the involuntary contraction of the iliacus muscle, you will have a spasm. The muscle does not release, and that is why you feel discomfort. You may also have chronic muscle spasms, and the condition will become worse over time. It is not easy to predict the onset of muscle spasm, and in most cases, it occurs suddenly.
How do you keep away from Iliacus muscle pain?
You have to stay active to prevent pain in your Iliacus muscles. You may do yoga and other stretching activities to reduce the tightness of your Iliacus muscles. As the major role of your iliopsoas is to rotate your hip joint, some yoga poses (like pelvic tilt poses) release your tighter muscles.
You may do stretches, which focus mostly on your hips-
- Lie on your floor while keeping your knees bent and feet flat. Lay an ankle across a knee and start rotating your hip.
- Butterfly stretch- Bring your soles together and push your knees slightly towards the floor.
- Sidekick- Stand up and raise a leg to one side. Do it for both sides (at least ten times for every side).
Thus, you can now try to reduce your Iliacus muscle pain with these natural ways. You may also consult a physician to reduce this pain.
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