Magnesium for Sciatica – Is Magnesium Good for Sciatica?

Magnesium for sciatica pain

The sciatic nerve is the longest in the body and its affection can seriously affect the patient’s lifestyle. The pain sensations associated with it tend to become problematic with time and they can prevent certain movements. The good news is sciatica is relatively simple to cure.

Apart from some medication to keep the pain under control, patients must also make some lifestyle changes. Furthermore, a few supplements are likely to help the nerve heal and reduce the symptoms associated with the affection.

Magnesium for sciatica is one of the top recommendations from doctors. Minerals are critical for your wellbeing and magnesium is among the best rated ones. How exactly can this mineral affect the human pain response and how does it work against sciatica then?

Understanding the benefits of magnesium

Magnesium is the fourth most common mineral in people. It is used in a plethora of reactions throughout the body – it helps the brain, muscles, heart and so on. When used for muscles, it relaxes them. It also attaches to proteins and reduces involuntary contractions.

This benefits underlines one of the effects of a magnesium deficiency. Practically, the lack of magnesium will lead to cramps and muscular spasms. Magnesium has also been noticed to help the blood pressure. Now, how does it affect sciatica?

Magnesium for sciatica

Magnesium is so widely used in the body that it also affects nerves and the sciatic nerve makes no exception either. It can affect the NMDA receptors. They relate to the memory, but they also have synaptic plasticity.

In other words, these receptors can affect the signals going through cells. Sometimes, they are weakened. Other times, they are strengthened. Nerve plasticity also helps against excessive stimulation. Simply put, this aspect means magnesium can tackle the pain signals sent over by the sciatic nerve.

The research is not conclusive, but most doctors believe that there is a solid relationship between sciatica and magnesium. Back in the 1920s, doctors used to inject magnesium in nerves in order to target painful sensations. Later on, studies were mostly performed on animals.

For example, different categories of mice were fed different amounts of magnesium to observe the results. Those with a high magnesium diet enjoyed more benefits, such as an impressive neurological function.

Is magnesium good for sciatica?

There is plenty of evidence that magnesium can reduce the pain sensations – including the ones associated with sciatica. However, there is no direct evidence out there. Magnesium is still recommended by most doctors because of its proven effects over nerves though.

Other than that, magnesium regulates more processes involved in inflammations and similar responses. As the levels of magnesium increase in cells, various inflammatory processes are naturally decreased. Furthermore, magnesium will target the amounts of proteins associated with inflammations.

Benefits of magnesium go even further. In high amounts, magnesium will prevent the activation of different receptors. Such receptors are normally found in nerve cells responsible for the pain regulation, hence the recommendation to take it when in pain.

How much magnesium to take

Magnesium for sciatica pain should not be taken by ear, yet you can safely take supplements that you can find in commerce – such as most supermarkets. The supplementation is recommended in pretty much everyone out there.

If the sciatica pain is too intense, your doctor will come with different recommendations. You might be given some painkillers as well or perhaps a certain medication based on higher doses of magnesium. Simply discuss these options with your doctor.


Bottom line, magnesium is one of the most significant minerals for the human body and its benefits are incredible. In fact, a magnesium deficiency will make it obvious that your body is falling apart. It has numerous advantages and will even target the brain function.

When it comes to magnesium for sciatica pain, the mineral is recommended to ameliorate the pain. Sure, some lifestyle changes must be done in order to help the nerve get back in shape. It takes time as well. But then, most people are concerned about the pain sensations associated with it. Many studies are still ongoing, but plenty of doctors will recommend magnesium supplements to handle the sciatica pain. Even if the pain is only slightly ameliorated, the mineral will help other processes in the body that will help you overcome sciatica.

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