Acupuncture for Sciatica – Does Acupuncture Help Sciatica?

acupuncture for sciatica

The sciatic nerve is extremely important for the human body. It is the largest nerve and brings in a wide network of nerves that cover the lumbar spine and legs. From a technical point of view, sciatica is not really an affection, but a symptom that something is wrong with the respective nerve. Therefore, the diagnosis is not traditional. There are more causes and identifying the right one is mandatory before committing to a treatment.

The most common symptom involves excruciating pains. Tingling and numbness may also occur. Sometimes, the pain gains in intensity gradually. A pinched or pressured never is the main cause, but a specialist doctor will be able to come up with a proper diagnosis. While lifestyle changes are highly recommended, drugs could help against pain, yet they never work on the root cause – not to mention side effects.

This is when acupuncture for sciatica kicks in. More and more people turn to acupuncture, but can it really help?

Acupuncture and sciatica

There are more ways wherefore acupuncture for sciatica is so popular these days. There is lots of modern research out there. The treatment has no side reactions like drugs and medications. When mixed with the right lifestyle changes for nerve maintenance, it can provide exquisite results.

Acupuncture will stimulate nerves in the area, as well as the associated tissues. The natural release of endorphins will help in the process by reducing the sensations of pain and inflammation. As for the actual inflammation, acupuncture promotes the natural release of vascular factors. Immunomodulatory elements are just as efficient.

Acupuncture has been used for centuries to relieve muscular stiffness. It boosts the local circulation, which will reduce swelling and painful sensations. Joint mobility will also benefit from it.

The technique will lead to a consistent change in the blood flow around the sciatic nerve. As a direct consequence, the nerve route will benefit from better circulation. Plus, acupuncture can target the neurotrophic factor signaling elements – excellent against acute painful sensations.

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Does acupuncture help sciatica?

Acupuncture can and will help against sciatica. Stretching is very important and can keep muscles relaxed. Also, meditation and Chinese exercises will help against the affection, yet regular acupuncture for sciatica with maintenance purposes is not to be overlooked either. Based on how severe the affection is, you could get away after a few sessions or you might need a few weeks or months of regular appointments.

How does acupuncture work?

The higher levels of noradrenaline and serotonin will reduce the pains and boost the natural healing process of the nerve. Moreover, such techniques can promote the natural healing and regeneration of the nerve too, not to mention boosting its conductive parameters.

Acupuncture for sciatica implies inserting very thin needles around the affected areas – it is not something that you can do yourself. Instead, you need to rely on a professional with experience in this field.

Acupuncture Treatment

Once the needles get in, the natural production of endorphin will be dramatically increased. Acupuncture will release the pressure from muscles and help them relax. It will also reprogram the affected muscles. The treatment targets multiple parts in the affected area, from the back and hip to the pelvis. They are all connected.

Generally speaking, acupuncture will work in two different directions. It will strengthen some muscles, but also stretch and relax fascia. As a direct result, the back will heal naturally. In fact, acupuncture may even encourage discs to get back in to their original places – it depends on how severe the situation is though.

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